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Meet Kim Louise

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An Inspired Life

Since a young child, I have been fascinated by stories. Some would inspire me, others would teach me life lessons. It was the wise elder stories that I enjoyed the most. Synchronicity always brought forth, these wise-elder teachings into my world.


Each elder I encountered took a shine to me, and, I, too them. They would take me under their wings, train me, certify me, and then off to the next. I felt like a butterfly. Each elder I trained with I had to rebirth, transform, and adapt quickly. I had a thirst for knowledge which has never left my side. Then one day these synchronicities came to a halt, After a year of no synchronicities, I soon realized that is was my turn to be the seasoned-elder, and teach my crafts.


In 2016, I got down to business. I wrote my first book, Thirteen months later it was published! I had a big launch party, and signed up to train as a podcast host. I was on a roll! Then adversity would hit so hard it flipped my life in the opposite direction. 

Being a story teller, I will continue this pivotal moment in my life towards the end of my story. First lets go back in time to where it all began. See you on the other side!

Girl in Daisies Field

The Intuitive Kid

Growing up as a child, in our hometown, Burnaby, B.C., I was surrounded by construction and design. My mother was a display and merchandising artist for The Bay department store. My father was a brilliant house and fireplace builder. He never went to school, however, he could design architecture blueprints better than most.


At the age of 72, my dad built a Roman spa bathroom. It was surrounded by Roman pillars and marble. Statues of the 'bathers' rest inside two carved-out shelves my dad built, inside real clay walls. Still to this day, I am fascinated by Roman, & Italian architecture. Every home I have ever owned, I have created an Italian like bistro kitchen, with grapes and wine bottles, table clothes, and bits of rod iron. 


Although I inherited my parents' creative genes, I was not a normal child. My parents did not know what to do with me. I had an intuitive ability to feel people's energy, emotions, health imbalances, and see the potential in all things, even animals. I would also find out early in life, that I had an innate, Feng Shui ability, to feel stuck energy blockages in spaces, and environments. 

Growing Up In The Cariboo

​In my early teens, my parents purchased a 130-acre ranch, in 100 Mile House, B.C., which was known as the Cariboo country. We sold our house in Burnaby and packed our bags and headed north. My father designed our house and all the neighbours and friends pitched into to build the house. During the first month our family settled in, my dad surprised each of us, with a horse in the summer, and a snowmobile in the winter. It was such a different lifestyle from the big city.


Life seemed so simple in the country. We had to walk a mile to the school bus driver's ranch to catch the bus, as our school was 10-miles away. In the winter, sometimes the pipes would freeze. My sister and I would have to melt snow, in order to wash up for school. On the occasional evening, my dad and I took flashlights down to the creek, and we engaged in flashlight-fishing. No one could ever find us! 


One summer day, I decided to saddle up my horse and went for a long ride. In my mind I was thinking to myself, how I could make my own money, so I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents. Back then we had family allowance. It wasn't that much.


Image by Chema Photo

Out On My Own

My horse, Gidget, was my solace. I came up with the idea to babysit. I knew I could do it. That day, I knocked on many of my neighbour's doors. However, because I was riding a horse, they asked me to house-sit their ranches and animals, instead. Cool!

A year later, just after my 14th birthday, my parents divorced, and my mother moved back home to Burnaby. I had to grow up fast and do all the chores, while my dad cooked.

It wasn't long before my dad fell in love and moved this new woman, with her two kids, into our home. I being the older one was moved to the basement bedroom. At the time, I had teenage acne really bad and got teased a lot at school. It was those years when one is building one's confidence. My self-esteem was nil. Luckily, I had my little entrepreneurial business to focus on.

My stepmother turned into the wicked witch of the north, to the point that I didn't want to come home anymore. My mother, now living in Vancouver, and myself, came up with an idea. She signed for me to get welfare so I could move into town by the school. However, I couldn't tell my dad, so I ran away from home one night. It was very hard to leave, not only my dad, but my animals, and my horse and ranch sitting job. But life was calling otherwise.



Blessing In Disguise

So how was this early part of my life a blessing in disguise?

I had to grow up fast and be responsible for my own future. My monthly welfare check was $380.00 a month. It was back in the '70's, era. My rent was $180.00. Calculate how much I had to live on, not much. This taught me very early in my life, how to stretch a dollar and make it last. After I graduated, I moved back to the city and started a home cleaning and pet-sitting business. My early life taught me how to make something out of nothing. It definitely taught me how to take risks. These are all the abilities you need to survive as an entrepreneur. I have been able to re-invent myself over the years, because of this early-life training.


The Space Stager 


It only takes one person to change your life forever. One Friday afternoon, I was cleaning a house for one of my elite clients. It happened to be her birthday that day. I decided to change her whole house around for a surprise birthday gift, while she was away all day at work. I had 8 hours to do my magic. Surprised, when she walked in the door, she rang up her neighbours and invited them over to see her re-designed house. The rest is history!


I freelanced under the name, "Display & Design" to get my feet wet. Over the years, I landed contracts in photography styling, trade show design, corporate health product displays for seminar trainings, wedding design, displays for The Bay department store, Christmas parties, to landing a 2-year contract with a modeling agency, and then turning around and becoming a petite model myself. This training led me to teach modeling and design fashion shows in runway and tearoom shows. 


One job I was called on was located at the Bay Shore Marina, in Vancouver, B.C. The client wanted to sell their boat and asked if I could make it look pretty. 


Around this time, my husband, and I, had just put our house on the market. On the first showing the house sold, double the asking price. The realtor asked me if I staged homes for a living. I had no idea what he was talking about (STAGED WHAT?). However, I went along with it. Every once in awhile a good bluff is okay, if it means opportunity is knocking at your door! He told me to make up some business cards and call him in a week. I stayed up all night to learn everything I could about staging. Then it hit me, This was what I did for the boat, but they never called it 'staging'. I didn't waste anytime. I was at his office a week later. Opportunity was knocking! The Space Stager, was born.


The Feng Shui Guy

One of my first staging clients was a doctor with a million dollar home. The builder was a well-known, West Coast-Fred Hollingworth design. This staging job led to a front cover story in West Coast Homes, and several newspapers. My business took off from there. See articles


Then it happened. This one staging job I did for a client, turned out to be a Japanese-style home. It was the thrill of my life. At my clients first showing, I stuck around to see people's reaction to my Asian style of staging, While drinking some Japanese tea, with the owner, I heard a voice ask the realtor, "Who staged this home?" I peaked my head around the corner with a grin on my face, "Me," I replied. "Who did you train with in Feng Shui?" "Nobody," I replied back. His mouth dropped, "You are a natural. Don't go to school, it will confuse you." In a flash he was gone. His age and the way he was dressed, we all agreed he looked like a Feng Shui, mystical-master of some kind. He wasn't interested in buying. He was curious to see who's design this was. I was left in awe, but flattered, indeed!


My curiosity about Feng Shui did indeed lead me to train in both western and later in life, classical, Feng Shui. The Feng Shui guy was right! The training confused my natural flow. Today I use some theory of Feng Shu. The rest I trust and follow my intuition towards architecture, colour, the missing elements, and my design ability. 


Business was booming. My clients began requesting that their new homes and offices be set up the same way I staged them, yet geared for living, I often travelled out of town to style my clients homes. However, unexpectedly, I become very ill. I would later find out, it was the chemicals and off gases from all the furniture, new rugs, laminate flooring and cleaning items people had in their homes; especially the EMF's, (electrical magnetic fields), in people's home offices. It was the HOME-BASE-CRAZE back then. Builders were now adding extra rooms for a home office. I was setting up many home-based offices at the time. Needless to say I had to lesson the load of my clients, and figure out how to deal with toxins and how I was going to move forward in my business.



Adversity Hits Hard

Around this time, my sibling and I had been losing family members, left and right, to cancer; mostly through our late 20's to late 3o's. It was the combination of my stepfather passing, and then two years later, my mother passed to cancer, a day before her 59th birthday, when I finally woke up and got suspicious! Why did my family all die of the same disease, yet in different organs? A majority of my family were around the 60-age-bracket.


Standing beside my mother in the morgue, staring at the hole in her neck from smoking too much, I was horrified to think of what type of pain she was carrying to do this to herself. 


They rolled my mother into a special room where I was given an hour to be with her. The room became very calm, as I reminisced about our life together. It was a very beautiful experience. I cut a piece of her hair, not only for sentimental memories, but I was curious to see what chemicals I would find in a hair analysis.


As I left the morgue that day, I took a deep dive into the lifestyle history of our family generations. Smokers, drinkers, fast food. processed-boxed and canned food, hair dye, plastics, and floor to ceiling toxic chemicals, were prominent; the same thing I was witnessing in my clients homes. Not to mention, my family was very talented. However, no one believed in themselves. Their was a lot of self-sabotage and pain from with-holding what they came here to do. A majority of my family died with their music still in them. 


Health-Safari Journey

Now in my late thirties, and already, 11 family members lost to cancer, this was the kick start that became my life-long-purpose. I have never looked back. My mission was to learn all I could about life purpose and our meaning to be here in service, and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Not only for myself, but for my clients. 


My first stop, was to find out the 'why' of cancer.  So, I joined the Cancer Prevention Coalition. At the time I trained under the education of Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, author of "The Safe Shoppers Bible." As I mentioned in the beginning of my story, I was led to elder teachers from here to there. There are too many to list. However, I have put them in my credentials, at the end of my story. 


I began my own life transformation by getting rid of all the toxic chemicals in my home, and the sundry items that I put on my body, and especially the artificial food I had been eating for years, oblivious to what I was feeding my body. I didn't want to waste anymore time. Step by step, I began to replace my healthy eating habits to living an organic lifestyle, as best I could.


Along my journey, I had many synchronistic opportunities land in my lap. In the most bazar ways, I must add. I just listened and followed. For instance, I once attended a health seminar and sat beside the editor of Alive magazine, to my surprise. Later, I offered her a ride home, as she had taken the bus into attend the seminar, and lived in my community. (Alive Magazines was one of the first alternative health pioneer magazines in Canada.)


During our chat, she happened to mention that she lost her writer for her front cover story. I immediately put my hand up. Opportunity was knocking! I had no idea how to write for a magazine, however, I had written flyers, and product knowledge education for health companies, when I was styling their display tables. I loved to write. Once again I bluffed my way through!! I went on to write for several magazines across Canada. VIEW MY ARTICLES.


Another life transition was in order. It was time to sell my home staging business. I took a course with Harv Ecker, which taught me how to sell my business. I sold it in a week. I then opened up, Tranquil Places Consulting Group. I focused solely on setting up my new clients homes, and offices, for healthy living. I further trained with holistic elder teachers. I am certified in Holistic Nutrition, Life Extension, Feng Shui, Numerology, and was an avid weight lifter and once won a light weight competition.



Questioning Life 

So here we are, landing where I left off in the beginning of this story when my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2015. Luckily, he had a very successful surgery.

I put my business on the shelf and took care of him. We were fortunate that my husband went into remission, and regained his health and went back to work. It was here we both decided it was a good time to write my book.

My book was birthed a couple years later. I had a great book launch, and as I shared, I was about to start a podcast, when my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer.  The cancer had spread. After a heroic battle, sadly, he passed in 2019. I never imagined I would become a widow so early in life.

Then for the next six years, right after my husband's passing, one by one, I lost my father, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law, all to cancer. 

I began to question my own life, and what was I to learn from losing so many family members to cancer. Also carrying the guilt, I felt, after receiving my training as a certified holistic nutritionist, and not being able to save any of family members, as the cancer was so ugly and had spread so fast.

The Gift of Healing


Although death is one of the hardest adversities, a person can go through, losing an entire family, and experiencing the grief and the affects that it can have on our spirit, health, mind, and body, there are always gifts and blessings that come out of even the harshness of events in our lives. 


Although I was lost for some time,  having to reinvent myself after losing my whole world, graciously, it has awaked a gift of healing, deeper compassion and wisdom to be able to communicate with all types of relationships, and circumstances. 


The universe had a much bigger plan for my, long ago, 30-year-old-self, that set out to find the WHY? to cancer. I believe cancer is man-made. It is not part of my vocabulary anymore. It is the lifestyle you chose to live.


My mantra, "You cannot put out a forest fire with just one hose, you have to come at it from all angles".


As a lifestyle designer whatever forest fire you have going on in your life, I have got your back. We first help you to remember who you are, and then align this knowing to help you fulfill your life purpose, live a healthier toxic free lifestyle, and live in beautifully designed, home and office environments that help you attract a a more prosperous and abundant lifestyle, thus, helping you achieve the results you want in your life and business.


If you are ready to get started to live your best you, and design your best life, let's connect. Book a strategy call with me and let's get started! 






​Live Your Best You!

Design Your Best Life!

Book a strategy call today!


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