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Health Action Network (HANS) Articles

The Sick Home Office
A New 21st Century Syndrome
According to Ted Nuyten, CEO and chairman for the Business For Home Foundation, a home-based business is started every 12 seconds. In North America, in Canada, In Canada, 3.6 million Canadians, enjoy the many perks and freedoms from working from home.
Alive Magazine Articles
Exercise For a Speedy Recovery
Back in the fall and winter of 1996 and 1997, after surgery to remove a cancerous testicle, world-class cyclist Lance Armstrong received chemotherapy. Between treatments, even as he was losing muscle, he continued to ride. A year later in July of 1998, the fully recovered Armstrong won the most prestigious event in cycling the Tour de France!

As Romantic As Hazard Waste
Think about the last time you felt nauseous or had a headache for no apparent reason. Could it have been from the perfume you smelled in the elevator? Or from walking down the detergent aisle at your grocery store? These reactions are your body's way of telling you something is wrong with the air you're breathing.