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Healthy Home
& Work Space
As a Holistic Space Designer & Feng Shui Consultant, over the years, I have witnessed many unhealthy clients in their homes and offices, including myself!
I am nicknamed the "CANARY", for my sensitivity, to not only detect hidden chemicals, and toxins, but the dangerous effects of invisible EMF, electromagnetic fields, wifi & 5G.
I have partnered with several, conscious, wellness companies in order to order to provide superior, high-quality, in-home products, to your doorstep.
Thank you ahead of time, for your patience. I am waiting on a few manufactures. All my EMF protection products are ready for shopping.
Keeping you healthy and safe in your space!
Kim Louise

EMF Radiation Protection Products
Protect You, Your Body, And Your Environment, From Electro-pollution!
"Dr. Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, says, “We as a society are exposed to 100 billion times the EMR (electromagnetic frequency radiation) than our grandfathers were exposed, too".
Sleeping issues, digestion problems, headaches, and even mood swings, are just a few of many, long list of symptoms, from EMF radiation exposure, from our modern-day technology.
The two companies, I have partnered with are, EMF Harmony (Life Harmony Energies) is a scientifically backed company, known for its EMF anti-radiation protective jewelry collection of bracelets, arm bands, and pendant necklaces.
Defender Shield is world-renowned for its wide array of EMR anti-radiation products for all your mobile devices; complimented with a clothing line, and cyber-attack security devices. Protect you and your family, with these top-of-the-line EMF products! Feel better tomorrow!

Nature's Internal Bath
No bird, fish, insect, cactus, or blade of grass can sustain life without water. Dry out a living cell and it will die of its own waste products. It must have liquid! Unfortunately, in our modern-day toxic world, most tap water is polluted with heavy metals, bacteria, flouride and chlorine, and much more. Don't get me started on the subject of plastic water bottles, which are ending up in our sea life, mostly in a whale's stomach's. Rid your home of plastic, and purchase yourself a safe water filter, that will remove all the deadly toxins. Your body will thank you, and you will feel much better!

Best Quality Table-Top, Non-Electric Water Filter For The Home

Water Filtration Products
For The Shower, Kitchen,
and Laundry Room.
Air Filter Products
Your Life Depends On The Air That You Breathe
No issue is more compelling than the air that you breathe, be it hawk, or human. Your life depends on it! When it comes to our living and working spaces, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) reports that indoor air pollution is the top health risk to public health.
Why? Up to 90% of poor indoor air quality is due, in part, to the release of off-gases from the chemicals and toxins around your household; ranging from artificial furniture, polyester rugs, artificial flooring, cleaning products, candles, chemical air fresheners, and laundry soaps, molds, etc. Protect your lungs, today, with non-toxic candles, superior air filters, and ionizing water fountains!

Breathe Easier With
Chemical Free Candles

Curb Indoor Air Pollution
Protect Your Lungs

Negative Ion Release
To Refresh The Air
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